Contact List
Who To Contact
Listed below are a list of contacts to voice your opposition to your children being sexually indoctrinated. Let them know your thoughts, they are the ones in charge and the buck stops with them.
Victorian Minister for Education

Ben Carroll MP
Address: 473 Keilor Road Niddrie Victoria 3042Postal Address: PO Box 554 Niddrie VIC 3042
Phone: 03 9379 5879
Ministerial office
Address: Level 3, 1 Treasury Place East Melbourne VIC 3002
Phone: 03 9651 1233
Victorian Minister for Children

Lizzie Blandthorn MP
Address: 75 Victoria Street Seddon Victoria 3011Phone: 03 9689 6373
Ministerial office
Address: Level 22 50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 1300 607 655
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society staff (ARCSHS) Department of Education
Address: 2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, VIC 3002Phone: 1800 338 663
Victoria Education Department Legal Division
Phone: 03 9637 3146Email: