Qld State Government Pause on Puberty Blockers
The Queensland state government have put an immediate pause on hormone therapies for minors
Click on each item to access further information. View, Download and Spread these Resources Far and Wide!
The Queensland state government have put an immediate pause on hormone therapies for minors
Download templates of no consent letters to fill out and send to schools
Listen to Craig Cole on Radio 98.5 Apple FM from the 5th December 2024
Transgender Youth Doctor Faces Historic Lawsuit: Damage has been done
Students at a NSW High School have been punished for misgendering a teacher
Parents, grandparents, and teachers, your reports are vital
A survey for children to complete to know their thoughts on Respectful Relationships
Third Party Report calls for Age Appropriate Pornograghy to be added to Respectful Relationships
Explanation of how Schools are about INDOCTRINATION not EDUCATION
These guides or steps are designed to assist you the parent as the primary carer and protector of your children
Hunter Valley Grammar school in NSW is teaching 15-16 year olds sexually explicit terms and content.
World Health Organisation (WHO) Standard Sexuality Education Teaching Early Childhood Masturbation
Did you know that Australian Libraries contain items with pornographic material accessible by children?
The Victorian Education Department has been caught lying on their website regarding gender theory being taught to Students
The indoctrination and propaganda continues...
Montmorency Sth Primary School commenced a Queer club for students in grades 3 to 6...
The Truth About the Repsectful Relationships Program
Update from a Parent further exposing the questionable activities of Elephant Ed
An extremely eye opening and confronting interview from Tess Hackett, whose daughter was groomed into transitioning
Must Watch Video featuring Colleen Harkin from the IPA detailing the activist agenda in schools
The truth about WPATH and their controversial research
Summary of a presentation between a school sex-ed provider and parents.
A horrifying incident from 2022 is a lesson for us all
Your rightful concerns regarding the radicalised gender theory and the sexualised indoctrination that your children are subjected to
Seven Ways the new Australian Curriculum will affect your kids
An email from a parent regarding the highly inappropriate content taught to a group of 13-14 year olds at the school her son attends.
Listen to Craig Cole on Radio 98.5 Apple FM on the 6th June 2024
A study in the US proves there is a 12x greater chance of people committing suicide after receiving gender affirming care.
A powerful speech from Craig Cole in Melbourne on the 1st of June 2024
A great win in the UK. Schools told not to teach gender identity.
A sad day not just for Germany, but the entire world
Our template is now available for you to download and print your own flyers
The Cass Review is a ground breaking independent review into gender identity services for young people
An incident where inappropriate references, including bestiality were allegedly made at Renmark High School in South Australia
Brilliant Video Compilation from the Truth Seekers Channel on Telegram (t.me/TheTruthSeekersChannel). Thank you.
The War On Children exposes the ongoing battle for control of the next generation and their minds.
Some Images and Video from the Community Presentation on the 21st of February 2024
Did you know that Victorian Schools are breaching the International rights of Parents/Carers and Students?
You must know this
Please listen Lise Merle a pro child, pro woman advocate from Regina Saskatchewan, Canada describe the game plan being used against our children
The carefully orchestrated attack on young innocent minds
Great article highlighting the evil and insidious Safe Schools Agenda
Do you really know what your children are being taught in Victorian Schools?
Did you know that Victorian Schools can gender transition your child without your consent?
A former Principal Of Schools and her reflection on the current state of our school system and attack on your children, also the position of YOU as a parent.