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10 year old Students asked to ask Fathers about their erections

10 year old Students asked to ask Fathers about their erections

Ten year old primary students were given a homework sheet, which included questions to ask their father about their erections and how much they ejaculate.

We believe this occurred at Goonawarra Primary School in Sunbury in 2022. The content given to the students was all under the Diversity and Inclusion banner. This is just one of countless examples of the inappropriate sexual content being taught in schools across the country.

Bernie Finn who at the time was a Liberal MP, spoke about this in Victorian Parliament:


When this was raised to the Minister for Education, the response given back was “It is part of the curriculum there is nothing you can do about it“

Photo of the homework sheet :


This content was delivered by a third party, which the majority of schools are using to deliver the content in question. The third part used in this instance was an organisation called Talking the talk sex ed.

Here is a link to their website:


Also, here is an email address if you would like to let them know what you think:


A further example of the questionable teachings of this organisation can be found by clicking on the Resources heading in the top site menu and clicking Recommended Sexuality Booklist for Children:


Pictured below is one of the suggested reading items is a book titled Play and Learn Paper Doll Families which is aimed at children aged 3 and above.

Play and Learn Paper Doll Families

Key items for concern are what this book attempts to educate 3 year olds, in the description of the book it states:

  • Covers trans man and non-binary pregnancy.
  • Introduces about trans, non-binary, intersex into a child’s vocabulary.

This is aimed at 3 year olds. It is completely inappropriate for Radicalised Gender Theory to be taught to 3 year olds.

Parents please be vigilant and aware of the content being imposed onto your children, this content is taught at pre school as well as primary and high school. Ask your school or pre school what 3rd party operators they engage to teach this content to your children and research the organisation(s) in question.

Your children are depending on it.

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