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Germany decriminalises Child Porn

Germany decriminalises Child Porn

Germany’s Parliament have downgraded possession of Child porn to a misdemeanour. With pedophile rights activists calling for the age of consent to be dropped to 12, this all ties in with the sick, twisted and evil agenda to normalise pedophilia, referring to pedophiles as “minor attracted persons”.

This move from German Parliament, is part of the agenda. An agenda that also indoctrinates young children, with sexual content from the ages of 3 and above, confusing their young impressionable minds. Grooming them to become over sexualised at an inappropriate age, opening the door for predators to take advantage.

Be warned this is just the start of legislation being written such as this. Bit of a long bow to draw you say ?. Or is it ? We have seen over the past years pedophiles being referred to in some sections of the media as Minor attracted persons (refer to link below as one example)


Links to related articles on German Parliament decision:




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