NSW High School Punishes Students for Misgendering Teacher

Students at Richmond High School in Sydney have been threatened with expulsion for using biological correct pronouns.
Here are a couple of references to the article from the Noticer News, an independent online news service reporting the truth and what the main stream media hide.
“The teenagers said that pins promoting so-called transgenderism have also been handed out to teachers to wear, and that they have been threatened with suspension for complaining about the posters despite 80% of the student body being opposed to pro-LGBT material being put on display at their school."
One of the large posters says “All genders, identities, expressions, pronouns welcome here” while another titled “Your identity is awesome” provides unscientific radical leftist definitions of so-called “LGBTQIA+ identities” such as “non-binary”, “cisgender” and “pansexual”, and promotes homosexuality.“
“The student said that the changes began when a male teacher “came out as trans” and administrators began to threaten students for using the “wrong” pronouns, and that now it felt like the whole school “has been taken over”.
“In September, I greeted the teacher (who I knew before he started to claim to be a woman) with ‘g’day, Sir’ which seems like a normal thing to say,” the student said.
“Straight after, on the same day, the deputy pulled me out of class and an argument started about my freedoms and my personal decision to not want to refer to this teacher as the gender that he claims to be.
“The day after that I had a talk with this deputy again, and this time he told me that if I continue to use the teacher’s real gender then I would be not just suspended, but permanently expelled from school.”
The article goes on to state disciplinary action was taken against students for complaining about radical gender theory posters being displayed at the school. The students considered staging a peaceful protest however were scared of being targeted.
The article is a highly informative article and gives a great example as to the situation in countless schools around the country. These exact same scenarios take place on a regular basis, from the reports this site has had from parents and students over the last 2 years.
This report is not an isolated incident and we please encourage you to read through other articles on this site and share them around.
One final point we alert you to, the article refers to an organisation “Minus 18“ who it would appear from numerous reports this site has received from parents, also content they put out, promoting rainbow balls for ages 12 – 25 that contain drag queen entertainers for one, appears this organisation is grooming young children, with radical gender theory also placing them in situations to sexually indoctrinate them also.
Link to article :
Link to The Noticer News