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Doctor in the US being sued by De-Transitioner

Doctor in the US being sued by De-Transitioner

A doctor in the US, Dr Johanna Olsen-Kennedy is being sued by 20 year old Clementine Breen.

A paragraph from the article in a US paper The Gazette states “Breen alleges that Olson-Kennedy fast-tracked her into medical transition at the age of 12, despite a lack of clarity about her identity. After a brief school counselling session in which Breen expressed confusion about her gender and sexuality, her parents were referred to Olson-Kennedy at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Within three months, Breen was placed on puberty blockers. By 13, she was prescribed testosterone, and at 14, she underwent a double mastectomy.”

The article also states “ This philosophy came under fire in October 2024 when she admitted to withholding results from a $5.7 million National Institutes of Health-funded study on puberty blockers. The study, which began in 2015, aimed to assess the effects of these treatments on minors but reportedly failed to demonstrate significant benefits. “I do not want our work to be weaponized,” Olson-Kennedy told the New York Times in October, defending her decision to withhold the data.


Link to article in The Signal, this features a clip with de transitioner Chloe Cole speaking;

Johanna Olson-Kennedy Talks Delay of Puberty Blocker Study

Link to article with background on Dr Olson–Kennedy:

Detransitioner Sues Johanna Olson-Kennedy, a Top Pediatric Gender Medicine Doctor, For Medical Negligence

Here we have a leading surgeon/doctor in the US who performs child mutilating surgeries on children, and prescribes them drugs with irreversible side effects, who deliberately hides data and provides no informed consent to her under-age patients. She also lies to parents and coerces young people into making life changing decisions regarding their bodies. All with minimal to no psychological counselling.

Please be aware this is not an isolated incident and is the direct result of the brainwashing and indoctrination children receive in the school system.

This same situation is happening here in Australia, due to the saturation of radical gender theory in the education system as early as pre -chool. The numbers of young people who have been confused, groomed and coerced into thinking they are the opposite sex and born in the wrong body are growing exponentially.

Not surprisingy, the actual stats in Australia on young people identifying as opposite sex and being referred to gender clinics are vague and or just non-existent.

Here is a link to Monash Health Gender Clinic where an update dated 05/07/2024 states:

“The gender clinic has a long wait list: In July 2024 we were booking in appointments for clients whose referrals were received in June 2022.“


Please also note that most insurance companies do not cover the child mutilating surgery. Also if any child realises they have made a mistake and de-transitions they are left out in the cold by the same organisations and people who facilitated such surgery in the first place.

Children who de transition are considered traitors by trans activists, vilified and targeted.

All this form a group of people who preach “love is love“. Highly hypocritical one would think.

From data received by this site, other sites around the country, and also reports into the school system (as researched by the Institute of Public Affairs), activist teachers are rife in the school system and quite intent on indoctrinating your child with their ideology.

Link to one IPA report which is on this site:

Activism via Education - IPA Report

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