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Suggested email content for parents re ICCPR and your rights

Suggested email content for parents re ICCPR and your rights

Your rightful concerns regarding the radicalised gender theory and the sexualised indoctrination that your children are subjected to, when raised with teachers and schools are met disdain and apathy by many parents.

This is not good enough and in actual breach of a Federal Act.

Also the complete lack of transparency from the Education Department, schools and teaching staff is completely unacceptable.

You may or may not be aware as parents you have the law on your side, to counteract the attack on your children, and please be assured this is a deliberate attack on your children and their innocence.

Australia is a signatory to The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Having agreed to be bound by the treaty on August 13 1980.

This has been codified and scheduled into the Human Rights Commission Act 1986, an Australian Federal Act.


Article 18 of the ICCPR section 4 states:

  1. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.

This means in simple terms that you are in breach if you do not honour the terms of the ICCPR, to not honour the terms is to be in breach of Federal legislation.

When schools and teachers continue to educate your children with highly inappropriate sexual content, and the radicalised gender theory against your wishes, they are in breach of said Federal legislation.

We suggest you email your school and child’s teacher informing them, and reminding them they are in breach of Federal legislation if they continue to educate your children with this content.

Points to raise are:

  • Draw teachers attention to Article 18 section 4 of the ICCPR.
  • Remind them Australia is a signatory to the ICCPR.
  • The ICCPR is scheduled and codified into the Human Rights Commission Act 1986.
  • Teachers are in breach of Federal Legislation and subject to prosecution if they continue to teach this content against your wishes.

Be wary some schools are now providing an opt out option for students not wishing to participate in the sexualised teachings and radical gender theory being taught under the umbrella of Diversity and Inclusion and Respectful Relationships.

Take caution with this as students that do opt out are then discriminated against, bullied and vilified, by certain teaching staff and students. We would also suggest you remind teachers and the school if your child is bullied, vilified or discriminated against, for exercising their lawful rights, the offending teachers would be in breach of the Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 ( Vic )

Section 14 and Section 17

  • 14 Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief.
  • 17 Protection of families and children.


We hope this provides you with clarity and knowledge to allow you to inform the school in writing. We must as parents, grandparents etc, must become heavily proactive in pushing back against this agenda that attacks your child’s innocence and well being.

A kind reminder to all concerned this is not about diversity and inclusion this is clear propaganda and indoctrination. The content should not be part of the school curriculum and you have an obligation as a parent to object. Have your objections listened to then acted on accordingly.

Do not accept anything less.

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