Corrupt and distorted data used to justify gender affirming care

WPATH ( World Professional Association for Transgender Health ) is an organisation that Trans activists use and quote, to gather material to support and justify their attack on children.
WPATH and its standards of care have been relied on in many countries to claim that gender medicine is legitimate; that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery for minors are safe, effective and medically necessary.
Media outlets and bureaucracies had cited WPATH as an authority when repeatedly dismissing “concerns about the dangers and lack of evidence behind the gender medicine industry… How many of those media outlets will now ignore this scandal to protect their own failings?”
WPATH it appears is guilty of misinformation, blatant cover up of data and various other gross indiscretions, to name a few:
Weak evidence base for puberty suppression
Doctors improvising and experimenting
WPATH members causing surgical harm
In Tasmania, political candidate Louise Elliot said: “What has happened to children [as shown by the WPATH Files] is an abomination. The practice needs to cease immediately and a full review undertaken. Our children deserve genuine, true evidence-based care. Not delusions acted out through horrific surgeries and medicalisation.”
Below are links to articles and video clips giving a clear and thorough explanation of WPATH. This is the organisation that Trans activist use to back up their argument and false claim that only 1% of people who have body mutilating surgery ( Gender affirming care ), regret the course of action they took.
Article from Stella O’Malley:
Article from Bernard Lane ( containing a clip with a deep analysis of WPATH )
Article by Mia Hughes (with relevant links)
The WPATH Files:
WPATH has also a close association with Rachel Levine, the Biological Male identifying as a woman, who is a US Admiral. Lavine pressured WPATH into removing age guidelines from the latest standards of care.
Article from Jesse Singal:
Endorsement of Rachel Levine by WPATH: