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Are You and your children being played?

Are You and your children being played?

Victorian Education Department Documents and References to Website

Catching On Early - Sexuality Education for Victorian Primary Schools

This document was previously a publicly available resource, but has since been removed by the Education Department. Luckily, we have a backup copy which can be accessed here. The document is aimed at children from 5 years and up, and is and has been implemented as part of the school curriculum in a majority of Victorian schools.

Have any of you as parents been informed of this? Or told where you can view the document and its contents? Why are schools not openly transparent about this?

The argument and cop out from the Education Department was that the document is up for all to view on their site which is no longer the case. Even when that was true however, why do very minimal to no parents know about the document itself, or the content that is in this document? Do they know that it is being taught to their children as young as 5? One would think at minimum, a letter would be sent to each parent informing them of the content, considering it is of a sexual nature and it is being taught to their children.

Programs such as Feeling Safe Together (where Grade Prep students in an outer Eastern School in Victoria were shown pictures of genitals and asked to name them) under the heading of Diversity and Inclusion. It would be a reasonable conclusion to come to that these types of programs are Trojan Horses with the agenda of sexually indoctrinating your children.

Here is the Introduction of the Catching on Early Document:

Catching On Early Intro

The opening sentence states Sexuality Education is an essential curriculum component. Really? Essential? From age 5 sexuality education is essential curriculum according to the Victorian Education Department. From paragraph 2, [Catching on Early]https://leavekidzalone-resources.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/docs/respectful-relationships/catching+on+early+2013+(1).pdf) is an evidence based resource. Was this evidence obtained from ARCSHS (Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society) who created the Safe Schools Coalition? For more information on the Safe Schools Coalition and ARCSHS, who Gary Dowsett was co-founder of, refer to this article on this site.

Furthermore, the United Nations (UN) endorses this program as well. That's right the UN endorses sexuality education to 5 year olds.

Refer to the link below:


The graphic below is taken from the Catching on Early document. Every one of the points listed is an assumption made without any plausible data to back up the claims.

Catching On Early Intro

This raises a few questions:

  • Where are the links and/or references to the data to back up these assumptions?
  • If there is data, what is the sample size of the data that research was obtained from?
  • What was the age and demographic of the children the research was gathered from?
  • Who was the organization responsible?

Respectful Relationships - (A spin-off from Safe Schools)


Respectful Relationships is a teaching guide and contains teaching modules that are taught in schools. On face value some of the content may appear acceptable to some, however much of the content is completely unacceptable to children especially as young as 5 to anyone with a moral compass.

This document is also publicly available resource, freely available for parents/carers to view and download.

The Victorian Education Department proudly boasts about the Respectful Relationships program, and no doubt many parents have heard their children and teachers refer to this. It is sold as an anti bullying program and as part of Diversity and Inclusion. Do not be fooled by this. As stated in a previous article on this site, Roz Ward who was part of the Safe Schools Coalition, made it clear Respectful Relationships is not about bullying.

The Victorian Education Department and schools, are not being transparent about the full content of the Respectful Relationships curriculum, and are deliberately hiding this from you, the parent.

The graphic below is from page 80 Section 7 of the Respectful Relationships document:

Catching On Early Intro

The research for this Fact Card is from ARCSHS. Just a reminder regarding ARCSHS, Gary Dowsett (La Trobe University) is the co-founder. The same Gary Dowsett as referenced in this article on this site, is the pedophiles advocate who wrote a piece titled Boiled Lollies and Bandaids for a Gay Information publication in the 1980’s.

In this piece he quotes

Many mothers and some fathers will agree that children are sexual and generate sexual responses in their parents. Cuddling, breast feeding, bathing together, playing, kissing and fondling kids are immensely pleasurable activities for them and for us. And it is not uncommon to feel sexually aroused by that closeness, that touch and that love.

Dowsett co-founder of ARCSHS, created Safe Schools and the Safe Schools coalition. Safe Schools is 100% based on research gathered by ARCSHS. Some of which is Dowsett’s own research, or peer reviewed by him - remember Respectful Relationships is a spin off of Safe Schools.

Dr Steven Angelides (La Trobe University) is also part of the Safe Schools Coalition. In a journal in 2004 he wrote:

There is research to show that as well as feeling a sense of power and control in sexual encounters with adults, children can frequently experience sexual pleasure. It is imperative that children’s sexual desires and sense of power and pleasure not only be recognized but also normalized.

(For references to the sources for these quotes, please refer to this article on this site)

These are just 2 of the people who are behind the vehicle of Respectful Relationships that is driving the sexualized indoctrination agenda.

When you raise this issue with school principals and teachers, you as parents are treated with contempt and shut down and/or ignored, or given feeble responses or alternatives?

Are you as a parent going to keep accepting this?

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