This campaign to put an end to the radical gender theory and the sexualised indoctrination, that is part of the school curriculum and being referred to now as mandatory and compulsory, requires every parent to play a role.
The Education Department and the schools will continue to push forward with this agenda. The only way this can be halted is through parliament. This requires as much data as possible as evidence of what is occurring to our children in the school system.
What is required is for parents, grandparents, carers etc, to send their reports in of what has occurred.
Important information to include is:
- Exactly what content was being taught.
- Were you or your child informed of this?
- Conversations you have had with teaching staff and/or the principal, particularly where you have been dismissed or given unsatisfactory answers.
- How it made/makes your child feel.
List as many examples as you can, feel free to write as much or as little as you like.
You only need mention:
- your name (first name)
- your child's age ,
- What sort of school, e.g. a primary/high school.
- The area e.g. North, South etc.
- Report of what has taken place.
If comfortable you are more than welcome to name the school. Please also indicate in your email if you are ok with your report being published on the site. All reports published will have any identifying information redacted out.
The intention with the reports is for them to be combined with the results of the survey, the petition, plus testimony from Mental Health Professionals.
This data will be presented to every federal politician in the country, also media platforms around the country.
“To have our best opportunity to make this happen WE NEED YOU to participate, our children need you to also."
Teachers past and present please feel free to send in your thoughts and experiences.
Please Note: This site will not forward your personal email details to any third party, they are secure on our site only.
Every one of us has a role to play, we must keep the continuous pressure on.
Relevant links :
- Email your report to
- Link to petition
- Link to Letter parents can send to school
- Link to survey for your children
- Link to guide and suggestions for parents
- Link to donate